Sunday, May 29, 2011

Peacocks and Neural Pathways

     Much has been discussed about the use of Earth's resources for our own personal gain and amusement. We use way too much of the Earth's gifts for things that we don't really need. It wasn't always this way, though. In the past we used the abundance of resources in order to survive. We took trees and animals to live. We took just enough to provide for our families or tribes or whatever. We killed animals to eat, chopped down trees to build our homes. We began harvesting oil from the Earth to heat our homes, and unfortunately we harvested it from such things as whales for the same reason.
       Some where along the way we became so good at living that we moved on from merely surviving to creating things for novelty purposes only. We convince ourselves we need these things, sure, but they are really to make things easier or more fun. We don't really need that new Ipod to survive. I was surviving five years ago just fine, so I don't think that I really need it. We are just so overwhelmed with abundant resources that we use them to our lives more fun interesting, etc.
     Let's take a look at the peacock. A proud bird, noble feathers, all that. You get it. Were you aware that the the peacock with the more abundant resources has the more beautiful tail. If he has more water available. If he has more nutritious food, he will develop a more beautiful tail. Of course this is to attract mates to the best of the best. It also makes him more vulnerable to predators. He is more easy to spot, and moves much slower due to the added weight of the tail.
     Let's take a look at us. With more money and resources we make ourselves more attractive to others. If we have more money we buy a hot car, hot wife, hot coffee, etc. We are showing off our tail. The problem is dopamine. Yes, it's time for a look at my brain. Our brains reward us for new, exciting and novel things and ideas. The act of buying our first Lamborghini is very exciting and our brain rewards us with a little shot of Dopamine. Nice. We like it so we try it again. The next time we buy a Lamborghini, however, its not the same. It's not new and novel anymore. Not the same rush.
     I was pondering all the tings that I think I want and whether I need them or I just wanted to obtain them for the rush. This made me think about Las Vegas. These people have it all figured out. I decided that when I went last fall that my goal wasn't really to come home with a lot of money. My goal was to win money. The act of winning is where the rush is. I could have thousands of dollars in my pocket, but get blackjack and win ten dollars, that's where the rush is. My brain gives me little reward and I go out looking for more.
     The problem with this thinking is it will never end. Soon nothing will satiate my need for a little Dopamine shot to the neural pathways and the reward system of my brain. You see, my brain loves rewards. So here's my idea. What if we could convince ourselves and everyone else that it is most exciting not to want things and to save resources. The more you save the more of a peacock you are. "Damn, look at his feathers, he must totally be off the grid." If the big consumers (I am not one) could just see there is value in non-consuming, maybe that's where the next big rush will come from.
     I am no peacock, I have found my mate, and could care less about a sports car, so I guess I'm safe from predators for now. But, I'm going to try and be aware of the big bad wolf. Do I really need those things? Do I just want to buy them because the act of spending on new things is exciting? I do love new stuff, so this is going to be a tough one. I also know this came across as a little preachy, so I apologize to the loyal reader. This is merely a lesson for me, not advice for everyone.

Love and Rockets


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