Wednesday, April 6, 2011

First post

    Inspired by an old friend in Minnesota, I have decided to begin writing a blog. It is more for me than anyone, so I won't be offended if you don't care for it. I came to the conclusion while stuffed in an MRI the other day that I was going about things wrong, and that things needed to be changed. I needed a new focus in life. (A lot of strange thoughts go through your head when your stuck in a tube for 40 minutes with no possibility of escape.)
    I decided that I was spending way too much time and energy in the pursuit of happiness. One of the things entitled to all Americans along with life and liberty. Instead of spending my life pursuing the thing that may make me happy, I thought I should be doing the things that make me happy.
    One thing that I enjoy doing very much is writing. I have no formal skills at this, as you have probably decided by this point, but I find it a good way to get the tens of thousands of ideas that are constantly swirling in my brain, out. I need to purge these constant observations that I mull over and that keep me awake at night.
    As my wife will tell you, even the smallest fact, observation, or idea can bother me so much that I can't seem to move on.
    So, reader, this is where I plan to purge. Let my thoughts flow free. Some things may be positive and inspirational, other posts may just be about something that is bugging me at that time. I look forward to feedback to prove or disprove that I am indeed going crazy, or hopefully, changing my life and attitude for the better.
    For those of you who are not Dave Matthew fans, The Space Between is a song that describes a person dealing with a lot of crap over here, and a lot of negativity over here. "The space between is were you'll find me waiting for you." I will refer to this song on other occasions, reader, so you may want to check it out. 
    For those friends who have shown some concern, I am not depressed or losing it. I am fine. There has just been a barrage of crap thrown my way over the last year, that enough is enough. God, if you are indeed testing me, though it is not for me to decide, I think I passed already.
    So reader, give it a chance. You might find something that you have thought about as well. You may totally disagree with me, which is fine. But give it a chance.
    Thanks for reading reader.

1 comment:

  1. A great starting place - I missed this one at first, thinking the one about your trusted canine was the starting place.

    I hope you find this a good process for you...indeed more for yourself than anyone else, but likely a good spark spot for someone from time to time.

    I like what you said "Instead of spending my life pursuing the thing that may make me happy, I thought I should be doing the things that make me happy." It is different, isn't it?

    Happy blogging, Steve!
